Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Posted by Nanun Nightray 0 comments



Lack of satisfaction

Sounds pathetic ? I'll show you how pathetic I am.

When people make promises they don't keep it.

I thought of believing it even I know they'll never make it. 

Macam taie la ba juga kan. Sudah janji itu ini, itu ini last-last lain yang kena buat. Siapa kan nda sakit hati. Agak-agak la. 

It happened like thousand times already and still counting. I give chances to people, but it was always me, the one to be blamed and it was always me, the one who hurt by their actions..

Kalau tau tidak dapat buat jangan la cakap. Jangan pasang janji. Jangan bagi urang harapan. Jangan kasi main-main perasaan urang.

Words mean nothing to me without actions as ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.

Don't make promises that you can't keep. Don't say things that you don't really mean and Don't toy with other people's feeling because IT IS NOT FAIR !

ps/ So now you know how pitiful I am.


Posted by Nanun Nightray 0 comments
So how many months did it pass ? (or years perhaps). I just don't know what to share. Everytime when I have something to share, I ended up forgetting about it. This head.. can't help it.

Oh ! Maybe I can introduce my new baby. Here comes...

This is when I first met him. Strayed kitten kept in an oily and greasy box. I thought, 'this kitten is grey and rare. I should take it !' BUT...

This is how Jetoy really looks like after thousand times washing him. NO GREY, not really RARE. But, mami still loves u JETOY ! Jetoy after 3 weeks. 

This pic is taken by Ujang's GF. She says Jetoy looks like a duke with his bow and posture. (Jetoy 5 weeks)

Jetoy is wearing his first shirt. (or is it a singlet. LOL)

I can relate my life with this..

Even now, Jetoy is with me. So relatable.

ps/ Suji is being abandoned ! 


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