Thursday, August 25, 2011


Posted by Nanun Nightray
It's kinda annoying sometimes when people ask you what you are doing when it is really obvious for them to know. Here are some of the related situations and (suggested) answers:

Situation 1 :
Bila org nmpak ko baring tutup mata and the he/she asks,
"ko tidur ka ?"
your stunning answer is, "tidak la. sy training mcm mana maw mati ba ni."

Situation 2 :
Ko bawa TV yang rosak pg tmpat technician (to fix it) and he asks, "maw kasi bagus ka ni TV?"
your stunning answer, "tidak la. sy bawa ni TV jalan-jalan jak sini."

Situation 3 :
Kau baru bangun tidur, then someone asks you, "ko bngun sudah ?"
your stunning answer, "sy tdur smbil jalan ba ni."

Situation 4 :
One of your friend call your house phone number and he/she asks, "mana ko ?"
your stunning answer, "di bus stop."

Situation 5 :
Ada orang nmpk ko baru kluar dari bilik mandi basah-basah and he/she asks, "ko baru mandi ka ?"
your stunning answer, "Sy jatuh di lubang jamban." OR.. for guys maybe the answer would be different la kan ? *cough*

Situation 6 :
Ko di tandas, pintu berkunci, terus ada org ketuk pintu tanya, "ada orang kah ?"
your stunning answer, (buat suara kiut and answer..) "teda orang ! taie yang bcakap ni."

HA.HA. bikin panas kan ? but sometimes I will ask the same question like in situation 1, 3 and 5 because it's kinda awkward when you don't say anything.

ps// sorry for the incompatibility language used.



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