*insert sound here*
well, now.. brace yourself 'cuz there are lots of things that has been troubling me and this blog is responsible for that. I'll scribe it in point to show the timeline (konon).
- exam is around the corner. (ok, this is normal.)
- Ujang's tablet is now mine and I'm not used to it yet. Sure it takes times. There are pros and cons for that which I am not interested to explain about it. (What.. people said to accept and be grateful for whatever you have right ?)
- KIDDOS (referring to age 11-17)
So, this is what basically my post will be all about. KIDDOS. I don't mean to insult anyone in this post, but.. this is really what disturbing my mind right now (after exam).
Situation 1
- in a middle of doing 'research' on twitter and bumped into one weird kiddo's profile.
- scrolling down her timeline to see what she was up to.. and... what I had posted was exactly what she posted too. My response ? immediately shut down my laptop and went out for fresh air.
Situation 2
- Facebook-ing and found something interesting. scrolled down for more entertainment until I saw this one weird and long name.. 'Anaconda de siblings of metacropylitan' (not exactly like this la. mati la kalau dia nmpk nama dia sini)
Situation 3
- 'retweet if you're directioner and belieber'
- click to see who is actually a dumbass to retweet such thing. 100+ retweets and MOST of them are kiddos (I ain't have no time to see all the retweeter.)
SERIOUSLY. this is what happened when parents let their KIDDOS with internet. I'm not saying all of them of course. There are some I can deal with. I mean, they actually know who they are. yang bunch of dumbass kiddos ni yang bikin panas. Sometimes intolerable dumbass kiddos. I'm not going to write further because I will just come out with vulgar words and you don't want that, doncha ?
So, my simple request and advise to all the holder of future of this world (konon la) get your life and be original. Life isn't all about fun and shouldn't be wasted. Justin Bieber and One Direction are so yesterday. be grateful for whatever your name is.. Timah ka, Salmah ka, Jaki ka.. sedap juga tu nama.
ps/ simple advise la ba juga tu kan ?
ps// wonder if I'm actually one of the KIDDOS juga dulu. I hope NO.
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